Young lady, you're scaring me

Teal space tentacles

It's a new year, and I hope you've all had a great start to 2023.

My own start to the year has been great. We took a little vacation (during which I actually got a lot of words down!), and I'm preparing to publish the first two (interconnected) books in the Shards of Infinity series. Things are a bit hard in the world right now and sometimes I dwell on that, but I try to just keep myself focused and busy while helping where I can.

But enough blabbering - let's get to the fun stuff!

First, the Unwrapping the Alien anthology is coming to a close and I am preparing to publish Alien's Host as a standalone novella. I am thinking of fleshing out the epilogue more. For those of you who have not yet purchased Unwrapping the Alien, now is your chance to get a whole bunch of sexy sci-fi romance stories in one hot package.

If you've already purchased Unwrapping the Alien and would like to get the new epilogue without buying the whole standalone book when it comes out, just send me an email at hi at alexandranorton dot com to let me know and I'll send it over when it's ready.

Second, the sequel to Alien's Host, Aliens' Vice (yes, that's plural ;)), has gone through its professional developmental and copy edits, as well as multiple edit passes by me. It's ready! I aim to publish it about a month or two after Alien's Host comes out as a standalone, but no dates are set in stone yet. We're also finalizing the cover for Aliens' Vice and it's still going through a few minor revisions but... I'm pretty much in love. I can't wait to share it with you all.

Third, big wheel keep on turnin'. After the conflict workshop I did with Linnear Sinclair, the exercises we worked on stayed in my head. During the workshop I began fleshing out some new characters and their world, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. So, I've been drafting. The project even already has a very tentative title, but I'm hesitant to share until I've fleshed out more of the draft ;)

And now for something totally unrelated. I just wanted to share a fun (sort of?) song I heard recently called Young Lady, You're Scaring Me by Ron Gallo. It popped up on my auto-playlist during a roadtrip and I couldn't stop smiling the whole time even though if you really pay attention to the lyrics it's a little bit twisted. But then... aren't we all a little bit twisted?