"I stretched inside my new host, unfurling with each breath she took..."

Cover of Alien's Host - a chiseled male torso

Alien's Host is officially released!

For those who might not know, Alien's Host was originally published in the Unwrapping the Alien anthology. The standalone version contains a revised ending with three additional chapters.

If you got an ARC of Alien's Host, thank you so much for reading and reviewing the book. Today is the perfect day to post your review on Amazon.

Its sequel, Aliens' Vice, is also up for preorder and due to release on March 11.

If you are thinking about picking these up, please pay attention to the forewords! Don't say I didn't warn you ðŸ˜ˆ

Oh, what a shame
Your spirit never left
Possessed me like a demon
Made the worship at your bed
Supernatural, Barns Courtney

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